Is there still hope for a high income at this age?



I graduated from College of Commerce more than twenty years ago, and I was convinced at

the time that I had to increase my skills in order to have a good job.

I joined a scholarship to study computer, English, how to pass job interviews, and how to make a CV.


And I began my search for work, which was a long and arduous journey, and during that trip

I applied for another scholarship to study programming that might increase my chances of

finding a job. Indeed, after another research trip, and after some time, I was offered to

work for six months in one of the Gulf countries, to work as a technical support officer for

implementing e-government there.

I worked hard until I succeeded and was hired in one of the government agencies there.

I was very happy with this work and was devoted to it. I worked for eight years, during

which I got married and tried very hard to bring my wife, but I could not.

Until I had a beautiful baby girl, and at that time, I was in great pain due to being separated

from her, and my friends there told me, as a matter of advice, that I should not leave my

job and go to my country because I’m old enough and I’m are currently working as an

accountant in a government agency, and it is difficult to find a job similar to my job, either

In the government sector or even the private sector, because private sector accounting

differs from government accounting.

I looked to the future in the event that I continued to work here, and I found that many like

me take annual leave for a month in which they visit their families, and I found that this

solution does not suit me because I want to live with my children and not live for them.

I was not able to make the decision then, so I prayed to Allah to make the decision for me

and to grant me success in it.

Indeed, not a week passed until a decision was issued not to renew my contract and I was

very happy with this decision.

I went to my country when I was about 36 years old. I tried to enter into projects, and I

tried many attempts to work in anything, as well as I applied for thousands of jobs and I was

not accepted and I do not know why!

Until a human resources manager of one of the jobs I was applying for said to me: You are applying for a job in which your manager will be younger than you, so I said: I accept that, and he said: With the experiences, it was found that this model causes problems in the future due to sensitivity.

Then, I knew that applying for jobs at this age was inappropriate.

What should I do now?

What should I do when I am close to forty-five years old?

I have many dreams that I would like to fulfil, is there still enough time in my life to achieve them?

My head hurts from too much thinking.

Until I find an advertisement for a scholarship offered by the Ministry of Communications in

cooperation with Udacity, and no age is required to apply, in three main areas: Web Programming, E-Marketing, and Data Analysis.

I applied to the E-Marketing program, and thanks to Allah, I got the scholarship and started

studying. It was a very interesting study and it contained a lot of valuable information.

And there was also an attached course on how to work freely and market your business

step by step until you receive money for your projects.

And my self-confidence began to increase and return to its previous state.

Indeed, I got one of the major projects to market it electronically.

Thanks a lot, Ministry of Communications, and thanks a lot Udacity for helping make my dreams come true at this age, In Shaa Allah.


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